Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Glaze work for BFA thesis

I've been looking for some sculptural glazes that will work into my BFA thesis (details of which I shall post at a later date). So far I haven't found any that will work completely, so I decided to start tinkering. I took this white glaze here which is the basic 1,2,3,4 leach base with 5% zircopax. To which I added a 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50% addition of carborundum powder that is used for grinding lithography

The zircopax in the glaze and the silicon sarbide in the grinding powder seem to fight each other in the first five tests. However with the sixth, the 50% addition proved to be a success. I've tested it twice more for different application purposes and it has worked quite well. Hopefully it will work on my dark high iron clay to give the suggestion of slagged and blown out concrete with rusted iron beams under.

I found a recipe for a lowfire lichen glaze. I'm going to use additions of manganese, copper carbonate, and chromium to get a pallet of color found in lichens and moss. Firing lowfire allows me to put it over my woodfired work without loosing any color flashing or glaze effect. I'm going to use this on my thesis as well to emphasize the ability of nature to reclaim everything.

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